There are numerous Ki techniques that enhance your performance. They do this by storing energy in your muscles, making
them work for longer. Try to make the energy active in the muscles. Make it move around and turn.
Store Ki in your calf and thigh muscles.
Store Ki in your calf and thigh muscles.
Store Ki in your whole arm and stand completely still until you feel the urge to throw it. This works because the energy
us building up in your arm.
Store Ki in your whole arms, your feet and your thigh muscles.
Store Ki in your top half of your arm and your fists.
Store Ki in your thigh and feet muscles.
Stronger muscles
Clench your fists really tight and tense all the muscles in your body. This is bringing out shen energy, the energy used
for a limit break. Power up with a Ki flame while doing this. Also, visualize a digit dial going up really fast. Like a car's
milage meter. You should now be tensing up even though you arn't even trying to tense up.
To get out of this state, you should totally relax and ignore it. It will go away eventually.