This is an extract from a topic on the
forum. I have changed the errors and added more things to it.
Chi: The universal spiritual energy of all living beings.
Ki: Same thing as chi.
Psi: The mental energy that flows through your nerves. Psi is needed to move Ki. So every
bit of Ki there is, there is psi inside it.
Mana: Energy used from plants (also used in witchcraft).
Inner energy which is a more powerful version of Ki.
Light Matter: Energy used by the good people that defeat evil with this energy.
Matter: Energy gathered by evil and darkness.
Life energy: (still in experimental state) This energy is beleived
to be the energy your life is fed apon to live . But its the same thing as chi but some say its a lot stronger in some way.
Shen: The Mystikal energy of of " Last resorts " . When a limit break hits you feel this.
If you want to read the full topic, the link is here.