There is two methods for seeing auras- Third eye chakra and side vision.
Get a square object and wrap it in blue coloured paper. Or you could use the coloured paper itself. Place the object
in front of a pale wall. White or cream works best. Sit comfortably about 1.5 metres away facing the object. Act as though
you are really, really tired. Your eyes should be trying to close but you open them ect. Gaze to the side of the object with
your eyes 1 quarter closed. Do not stare at the object, gaze to the size and past it. After a few tries you should
see a coloured fuzz appear around the object. The aura colour for a blue object on a white/cream background is yellow. You
must be completely relaxed to see the aura.
Third eye
Sit down and close your eyes. Open them. When you open them, imagine another eye opening on your forehead. Do this over
and over again. Imagine it acting like a real eye. Blinking and moving. You should feel pressure or tingling there after a
while. You should then see auras around a few objects that you look at. This method takes practice, so be patient.
The side vision method is probably better and takes less time to learn, but the thid eye method lets you see more of
the aura.